Upcoming rides

NWS predicts for tommorrow: “Mostly sunny, with a high near 64. West wind 6 to 10 mph, with gusts as high as 23 mph.” Expect a cooler start with it rising consistently through the morning to 64. Time to wear knee warmers and vests. This will be the last running of the Marshfield hills loop for 2024. Next Saturday we will run the 50 mile loop. On Sunday, we will ride to Marion on the 53 mile loop.

On 11/9 (Saturday), we will start the 32 mile course from Halifax as a weekly winter ride. Several sections have been re-paved on this routing and the jarring asphalt of those sections are no more. This Cranberry route will definitely have a few ponds flooded. Elm Street in halifax is usually a favorite spot.

Please register on Strava for each ride.

Hanover 10/26 https://www.strava.com/clubs/186760/group_events/1276561
Halifax 10/27 https://www.strava.com/clubs/186760/group_events/1760026

Hanover 11/2 https://www.strava.com/clubs/186760/group_events/950499

Halifax 11/9 https://www.strava.com/clubs/186760/group_events/1816033

Cold Season

The return of the Club’s Cranberry Route. It can be warm here in contrast to the cold wind emanating from the northeast. Those winds blow strongly across Sandy Beach…until next year Forest St! We will start on Nov 9 at 8:30AM.

Register for the first ride at https://www.strava.com/clubs/186760/group_events/1816033

We will be riding for fitness and to keep the legs moving. We are not going to turn the pedals heavy. We could break into 2 or 3 groups depending on turn-out.

This ride is suitable for A/B/C riders. We will roll at 16-18 mph. The start time will be 8:30 AM. Ride is show’n’go, if there are no persons signed up. Heavy rain cancels. We will split into 2 groups depending on the demand and the abilities of the riders.

ROUTE: Cranberry route features scenic areas of Middleboro and Halifax. Avoids some high traffic areas of the old route. Several sections were repaved since we ran this as a Wednesday night route.

PARKING: Park in the back of the lot. Park on the west side of the Cumberland Farms. There are active business in the area. Do not disrupt them.

PACELINE: Rotating single file; do not coast; short pulls; no tucking; no swerving. Expect to average from 18-20 mph. If we have a second section, then it would probably average 16-18.

Upcoming Rides

Please register on Strava for the rides. The Weather is looking good.

8/31 Saturday: B/C Coastal Loop (Todd Burch) 39 Miles

9/1 Sunday: B/C Marion Ride (Richard G Ride Leader) 53 Miles

9/7 Saturday: B/C Coastal Loop (Chris C Ride Leader) 39 Miles

P2P 2025 Recap

We had a great ride. Some lessons were learned about the logistical plans for 2025. We might run 2 SAG vehicles in 2025. We had a lot of riders, today, with 27. The route was actually a bit shorter than last year’s version. The distance to the showers and the beach is 82 miles. I only gained 2000′ feet in elevation but some had 4,000. We did not ride on the worse section of the bike trail with massive frost heaves. It’s great that they paint the heaves for visibility, but it’s rough riding.

I rode in the B group. We jumped into the water at Herring cove beach. They released baby dolphins at the same time !! It was great to reach the beach before 1PM. It’s nice not to be rushed at the end and hurrying for the boat. Greg and Evan rode with me in the B group for the whole way and were sold riders. This was Evan’s longest ride with the club. I really enjoy tour riding.

Some of the crew went to the Basement and had an OAR-G!!

Walking over the bridge…Safety first!!

Dolphins being released at Herring Cove Beach.

This place has more sharks than the Island??

Bikes parked by the showers at the end of the ride.

Todd resting in the lounger at the beach.

Canal at the early hours…we leave at 7 SHARP.

The Front group tearing it up in Wellfleet!!

This weekend 7/5

National Weather has a good long range prediction (7days) right now. We will have Saturday and Sunday rides.
When pacelining, do not stay on the front. Rotate. Pull to the left. The line passes the front rider on the right. Sunday we will ride to Marion. Please register for the rides.

Coastal B/C https://www.strava.com/clubs/186760/group_events/1434245
Duxbury 48 A/B https://www.strava.com/clubs/186760/group_events/950499

Halifax 50 B/C https://www.strava.com/clubs/186760/group_events/1705046