This video makes a mention about the stack heights of different systems. Members use different pedals and cleats. This provides an overview within the video about stack height.
Author: Liz Malone
Good video about training concepts
Should you use Strava? It’s a training tool. It also builds community. We use it to coordinate the maps for club rides and track attendance. Who would knew that we need to track attendance? COVID made such a reality!
Here’s an article from a website that explains some of the benefits to you, personally, when using Strava.
Upcoming Rides
7/22 Fast Friday
7/23 Hanover 37
7/29 Fast Friday
7/30 Hanover 37
7/31 Marshfield 32
8/6 Hanover 37
8/6 Hanover 49
8/13 Hanover 37
8/14 Marshfield 32
8/20 Blazing Saddles
8/21 Marshfield 32
8/27 P2P
8/28 Marshfield 32
Sunday Marshfield Rides
The next Sunday ride will be on 7/3/22 at 8:00 AM. There will be no ride for June 19th or June 26th. Jack is riding in the MS150 on Sunday.