Indoor training videos

Here is a list of videos on YouTube. You can watch this videos in HD on the bigscreen while spinning! CXTC and GCN made some spinning videos. These are useful.  The links are organized by time!  If you only have 25 minutes, then try the 25 minute video or the 20 minute video from GCN.

25 minute version:
30 minute version:
35 minute version:
40 minute version:
45 minute version:
50 minute version:
60 minute version:

Global Cycling Network is also making videos
20 minute version:
30 minute version:
40 minute version:
40 minute version:

At the O’Hara spin Studios on Saturday we combined several videos to make a long routine. Check them out. Global cycling news is making new videos and is full of enthusiasm. They are also the ones that make news reports. HIIT intervals as GCN completes them is one of preferred methods of interval training. There has been recent science to show that it can be more effective.


Halloween Ride

Halloween ride
Halloween ride

Some stopped to take pictures at the various Halloween spots. In the above picture is Andy, Pam, Maria, and Judy.  Maria is wearing the new podium 14590418_10209933260343549_4223094256235141248_njackets from DNA cycling that we ordered.  Toasty!  There is a second order of the jackets that is being fulfilled.  We will also make swaps with people to handle sizing errors.  Mike Togo is managing the jacket order.

In the picture to the left is most of the B and C groups at Togoland.  Togoland used to be actually laid in a different configuration from when we first created this route.  It has changed a little bit.  The town improved the safety of the roadway by changing the mouth of Fuller road and the intersection.  Togoland is located at Fuller and Thompson Street in Middleboro.

At Togoland

There was great turnout for the Hanson ride.  We had several groups. We had 40 riders.  Many rode 35 miles.  We had a new member, Eric, from Pennsy.  He just moved here! A large number of the group

14885849_10154716622649923_337180132_n (1)
Mike providing the safety talk

rode the 28 mile route through Fuller street and Franklin street.  Franklin street was repaved last month. This section runs past the infamous Corn Maze.  The transformation of the riding experience is immense.  Instead of riding a death trap full of people sized potholes we had fresh and smooth asphalt without any breaks.  Irish Liz and John lead a group.  Greg also lead another B group.  Mike lead the C group and Judy lead a C group on the 32 mile loop.
