Cold Season

The return of the Club’s Cranberry Route. It can be warm here in contrast to the cold wind emanating from the northeast. Those winds blow strongly across Sandy Beach…until next year Forest St! We will start on Nov 9 at 8:30AM.

Register for the first ride at

We will be riding for fitness and to keep the legs moving. We are not going to turn the pedals heavy. We could break into 2 or 3 groups depending on turn-out.

This ride is suitable for A/B/C riders. We will roll at 16-18 mph. The start time will be 8:30 AM. Ride is show’n’go, if there are no persons signed up. Heavy rain cancels. We will split into 2 groups depending on the demand and the abilities of the riders.

ROUTE: Cranberry route features scenic areas of Middleboro and Halifax. Avoids some high traffic areas of the old route. Several sections were repaved since we ran this as a Wednesday night route.

PARKING: Park in the back of the lot. Park on the west side of the Cumberland Farms. There are active business in the area. Do not disrupt them.

PACELINE: Rotating single file; do not coast; short pulls; no tucking; no swerving. Expect to average from 18-20 mph. If we have a second section, then it would probably average 16-18.

Skills trainings

  • Drills on the road
  • Cadence drills on the trainer

Often, we get into a rut during the winter training cycle. How many of you stay on the same cadence throughout the winter? When you go to the training center, then they set the power via ERG mode. You leave your bicycle in the same gear during the entire workout. The power varies when the ERG mode changes its set level.

You do need other things to be a well rounded cyclist.

Working on cadence drills is just one form of neuro-muscular drill. On the road, you can work on following the white line. This helps to improve your eye coordination and its synchronization with your cycling muscles. It also helps to improve your balance.

Martha’s Vineyard Tour May 13 2017


We will ride the ferry over to MV for a 50 mile tour. We will meet at the Woodshole Ferry Building and take the MV Steamship authority to MV. We will stick together for a social ride to see the Island. This ride is spouse-friendly. We will have a lunch stop on the reservation in Aquinnah overlooking the water(food is on your own).

Go to Depot Avenue in Falmouth MA for parking.
Please park your bike at the bike path parking lot for the Shining Sea Trail. Ride to the Ferry Building. The bike path terminates at the Ferry Building. The parking on the bike path is free.

You must purchase a round trip ticket(good for both locations) and a bike ticket. Total cost is $25. It is $8.50 for each way plus $4 for your bike.

We will take the 8:15 boat to Vineyard Haven. We will be taking a 3:45 boat back to the mainland.

This is an all day ride. We will stop for lunch on the ride in Aquinnah.
Please RSVP.


Club Flat Century

17632156_10155200154709923_7156237476919269744_oWe meet at the Hanson Shaw’s Supermarket on May 20.  We roll at 8am.

We will stick together as a group and travel cranberry roads towards the south coast. We will stop for food at some general stores and covenience stores. This will be a 100 miler designed to get you going for the season. The elevation gain is actually less than the TFCE!

Allison and Mike will lead the 50 miler.

This ride will take time and we will stop at convenience stores along the route. Think of a social ride designed to get the 100 miles. We will aim to average 15 to 16mph. Think of this taking all day.
The 50 will start at the same time.

We will have a SAG vehicle.  Food purchases are on your own.