Cold Season

The return of the Club’s Cranberry Route. It can be warm here in contrast to the cold wind emanating from the northeast. Those winds blow strongly across Sandy Beach…until next year Forest St! We will start on Nov 9 at 8:30AM.

Register for the first ride at

We will be riding for fitness and to keep the legs moving. We are not going to turn the pedals heavy. We could break into 2 or 3 groups depending on turn-out.

This ride is suitable for A/B/C riders. We will roll at 16-18 mph. The start time will be 8:30 AM. Ride is show’n’go, if there are no persons signed up. Heavy rain cancels. We will split into 2 groups depending on the demand and the abilities of the riders.

ROUTE: Cranberry route features scenic areas of Middleboro and Halifax. Avoids some high traffic areas of the old route. Several sections were repaved since we ran this as a Wednesday night route.

PARKING: Park in the back of the lot. Park on the west side of the Cumberland Farms. There are active business in the area. Do not disrupt them.

PACELINE: Rotating single file; do not coast; short pulls; no tucking; no swerving. Expect to average from 18-20 mph. If we have a second section, then it would probably average 16-18.

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