May 14 2016 weekend

received_10209824095347897We will have the Marshfield ride on Saturday at 9AM. Only heavy rain will cancel. This route is flat. It will be a good ride to stay loose for the ccentury. The ride will start at the Furnace Brook Middle School in Marshfield. This ride features a stop at the coffee shop in Duxbury.  We also will climb the Myles Standish Monument(optional).  See

Members will participate in the metric century hosted by CRW on the Sunday.  Others can also ride in the CRW version of the Coastal Route on Sunday.  This leaves from Rockland at 7:30AM.



Saturday’s ride – Coastal Route

The facebook update is at  The ride stareceived_10209824095347897rts at the Norwell High School.  The High School is located on South Street in Norwell.  We park in the first parking lot after the library.  The driveway continues past the library to the school.  Look for other bikers!

Each of our rides is lead by one of our members. You may volunteer to be a ride leader. Please suggest new routes. We alternate with different destinations on Saturdays.

We ride in Norwell on the 1st and 5th Saturday of each Month.

The ride leader will be Linda. A coffee stop will be at approximately Mile 22. This route is considered for beginner to intermediate riders.

Any heavy rain will cancel the ride. 20150523_103119

Please RSVP on the Facebook Event so that we can anticipate the headcount.

Be courteous to other riders. Help make this your club. Please be ready to roll on time. This is a club ride. The ride is for members, their guests, and new prospective members.
